Teaching and Learning with Technology PDF
By:Judy Lever-Duffy,Jean B. McDonald,Al P. Mizell
Published on 2005 by Allyn & Bacon
---EXAM COPY VERSION--- || This book has all the potential of becoming a classic for teaching how to integrate technology into the curriculum.| | Laura E. Sujo de Montes-- Northern Arizona University || A book that is ostensibly about instructional technology but is more deeply about the nature of the educational enterprise and the role technology can play in support of learning for all.| | Excerpt from the Forward by David Thornburg Written by teachers for teachers, this text offers a clear and current look at educational technology within a framework of teaching and learning to help pre-service and in-service teachers explore, evaluate and effectively integrate the full range of instructional technologies in their classrooms. New To This Edition NEW! Every copy of the text comes with a FREE student CD-ROM. The CD contains beautifully illustrated, hands-on activities that build students' skills in using popular software applications and in understanding hardware. The new CD now includes a trial version of |Inspiration,| NEW! | On CD| icons included throughout each chapter. These icons integrate the information and activities found on the student CD-ROM with each chapter's content. NEW! ISTE standards listed at the beginning of each chapter. These chapter openers indicate how chapter content matches specific NETS-T standards. NEW! Problem-Based Learning section features three realistic critical-thinking scenarios to help students apply the educational technology concepts they acquire to the resolution of problems they might encounter when they teach. NEW! Interchapters foundafter Chapters 2, 4, 8, 10, and 12. The interchapters synthesize chapter content and present concise overviews of key technology topics in a dynamic, full color format. Many interchapters also include related activities and resources for students. NEW! Checklist for evaluating and purchasing technology (interchapter II). This technology buying guide provides structure and insight to help teachers and school leaders make informed decisions on purchasing hardware for their classrooms. NEW! Updated and revised for new and emerging technologies throughout the text. Updated for technological advances, this edition includes descriptions and applications of wireless connectivity, trends in computing, the use of handhelds and Tablet PCs in the classroom, innovative applications of software programs for the classroom, and a discussion of where educational technology is headed in the future. Package this text with |MyLabSchool|-- a powerful set of online tools that bring the classroom to life! With real video footage of teachers and students interacting, an interactive system for collecting observations, and a seamlessly integrated suite of tools for lesson planning, portfolio development, and standards integration from TaskStream, you'll get a clear sense of what being in a real classroom is like! Visit www.mylabschool.com for more information! ---STUDENT VERSION--- |MyLabSchool|-- a powerful set of online tools that bring the classroom to life! With real video footage of teachers and students interacting, an interactive system for collecting observations, and a seamlessly integrated suite of tools for lesson planning, portfoliodevelopment, and standards integration from TaskStream, you'll get a clear sense as to what being in a real classroom is like! |MyLabSchool| also includes a practice PRAXIS test and video PRAXIS tutorial, helping you prepare for your certification exam. In addition, if you use |MyLabSchool,| you'll receive r m dvice, interview coaching, a test preparation clinic, and more through the through our Teacher's Career Center. |MyLabSchool| integrates the most powerful tools and resources available to help teachers in training succeed. MLS VideoLab Experience concepts as they unfold in actual classrooms. MLS VideoLab lets you observe real teachers demonstrating best practices and reflect on your own responses to classroom situations. With more than 20 hours of high-quality video footage and exercises tied to central concepts in your instructor's course, |MLS VideoLab| gives you the benefit of authentic experience in context. TaskStream PILOT A powerful tool for creating standards-based lesson plans and employment portfolios, this exciting program delivers full correlations of state and national teaching standards, useful assessment rubrics, and a host of Web resources for teacher candidates. MLS Career Center Preparing for the PRAXIS offers practice exams, video cases, and a wealth of information and advice on certification tests. Getting the Job offers an easy-to-use toolkit for creating a digital portfolio, as well as tips on interviewing and the job search. Doing the Job Well provides sample lesson plans, classroom activities, assessments, and more. The Career Center provides additional help withr m portfolios, and job searching. Research Navigator(TM) Pearson Education's exclusive database of reliable source material, including the EBSCO Academic Journal and Abstract Database and |The New York Times| Search by Subject Archive, helps you quickly and efficiently make the most of your research time. Not only can you use |Research Navigator(TM) | for your education course, you can use it for every other course that you're taking this term! |Research Navigator(TM) |-- a $15 value-- is FREE with |MyLabSchool,| Visit www.ablongman.com/researchnavigator to learn more. Students, you can only access |MyLabSchool| if your instructor has set up a |MyLabSchool| course. Visit www.mylabschool.com to register-- all you need are your instructor's course ID and an access code (FREE when packaged with a new copy of this book or available for purchase at your bookstore) OR a credit card to purchase immediate online access. If your instructor is not using |MyLabSchool,| ask him or her to consider |MyLabSchool| to give you every chance to succeed in your course! Visit www.mylabschool.com today and discover a powerful new destination for teacher-in-training success!
This Book was ranked at 10 by Google Books for keyword education test preparation activities.
Book ID of Teaching and Learning with Technology's Books is eLwGGQAACAAJ, Book which was written byJudy Lever-Duffy,Jean B. McDonald,Al P. Mizellhave ETAG "SMfUVpVs/TQ"
Book which was published by Allyn & Bacon since 2005 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780205430482 and ISBN 10 Code is 0205430481
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "446 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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